Graph Neural Networks

The Blueprint Neural Networks

Nicholas Gale and Stephen Eglen


Graphs in Science

  • Naturally intuitive way to represent objects e.g. molecules.

  • Graphs are generalised non-linear data structures e.g. gene regulatory networks.

Formal Definitions

  • A graph \(G\) is an tuple of nodes \(V\) and edges \(E\): \((V,E)\).

  • The nodes are labelled \(\{1, 2, \ldots, N\}\).

  • The edges are weighted relationships between nodes: \(1 \mapsto 4\) etc.

Adjacency Matrix

  • An adjacency matrix an object capturing node-edge relationships.

  • The rows/columns are the vertex index.

  • The matrix value \(w_{ij}\) is the edge weight between \(i\) and \(j\).

10×10 Matrix{Int64}:
 0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 1  0  1  1  0  1  0  0  0  0
 0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  0
 0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0

Feature Matrix

  • Graphs can be equipped with a feature matrix to hold data.

  • Each node encodes a vector of \(F\) measurable features: weight, chromosome number, membrane voltage, etc.

  • The feature matrix is the \(N \times F\) matrix of concatenated features.


  • The neighbourhood of a node \(i\) is denoted \(\mathcal{N}(i)\).

  • The in neighbourhood is all the nodes with edges flowing into \(i\).

  • The out neighbourhood is all the nodes with edges from \(i\). \[\mathcal{N}(i) = \{ j : (ij) \in E \}\]

Permutation Invariance

  • A permutation is a relabelling of a graph nodes.

  • A permutation matrix \(P\) reshuffles an adjacency matrix: \(P^{-1} A P\).

  • Reshuffle feature data by \(P^{-1} F_M\).

  • Changing graph labels doesn’t change graphs.

  • Analysis functions should also be permutation invariant e.g. sum

Neural Networks

  • We now want to define a neural network on these graphs.

  • Our input is the graph and the feature matrix of data.

  • We transform inputs \(x_i\) on the nodes to latents \(h_i\) through a neighbourhood invariant function \(g\)

Julia Graph Neural Networks

  • GraphNeuralNetworks.jl package is built on top of Flux.

  • Excellent support for many layer types and documentation.

  • Models are composed with GraphNeuralNetworks.GNNChain.

Specifiying Graphs

  • Graphs are specified with GNNGraph(obj)

  • Objects can be adjacency matrices, adjanceny lists, and COO representation.

  • Feature data (last dim = nodes) is passed with the ndata keyword which can be an optionally named tuple.

using GraphNeuralNetworks, Flux
amat = [
    0 0 1 0; 
    0 0 1 1; 
    1 1 0 0; 
    0 1 0 0
alist = [[3], [3, 4], [1, 2], [2]];
coo_source, coo_target = [[1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4], [3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2]]
g1 = GNNGraph(amat); g2 = GNNGraph(alist); g3 = GNNGraph(coo_source, coo_target);
@show adjacency_matrix(g1) == adjacency_matrix(g2) == adjacency_matrix(g3)

GNNGraph(amat, ndata = rand(Float32, 10,4))
GNNGraph(amat, ndata = (; x=rand(Float32, 10, 4), pr=rand(Float32, 2, 4)))
adjacency_matrix(g1) == adjacency_matrix(g2) == adjacency_matrix(g3) = true
    num_nodes = 4
    num_edges = 6
        x => 10×4 Matrix{Float32}
        pr => 2×4 Matrix{Float32}


  • Pooling is a graph reduction method.

  • It is implemented as a layer in a graph neural network.

  • Commonly, aggregrate features of subset of nodes to produce a new graph.

  • GlobalPool aggregates to a single feature matrix.

Types of GNNs

  • There are many different types of GNNs. Historically, and currently.

  • They usually share many similarities but different names.

  • Generally three types: Convolutional, Attentional, and Message Passing.


  • Features are embedded into some latent space through a shared feature transformation \(W\).

  • We aggregate the sum of features of nodes neighbourhood (usually node inclusive) multiplied by some weighting factor \(\alpha_{ij}\) (usually \(1/\sqrt(|N_i||N_j|)\)).

  • It doesn’t need to be a sum (any permutation invariant function will do). \[h_i = f\left(\sum_{j | (i,j) \in E} \alpha_{ij} W x_j \right) \]

Convolutional GNNChain

  • Specified by latents in and latents out.

  • API call is GCNConv(in => out).

model = GNNChain(
GNNChain(GCNConv(3 => 10), GCNConv(10 => 2), BatchNorm(2))


  • We perform a similar procedure but allow the normalising weights to be dynamic.

  • Attention is constructed over the feature weights of a nodes neighbourhood.

  • They are therefore functions dependent on data and learnable: \[ h_i = f\left(\sum_{j | (ij)\in E} \alpha(x_i, x_j) W x_j \right) \]


  • The graph attention network is the most common in use today.

  • Specified by latents in (and edge features in) to latents out with keywords σ, bias, heads, init, negative_slope, add_self_loops.

model = GNNChain(
    GATConv(2=>3; heads=2),
GNNChain(GATConv(2 => 1, negative_slope=0.2))

Message Passing

  • Compute message vector to be sent along an edge dependent on receiver and sender node features and edge features.

  • The messages from each node are aggregated to form the readout.

  • Most generic form of graph network \[ h_i = f\left(x_i, \sum_{j | (ij) \in E} \phi(x_i,x_j) \right) \]

Message Passing

  • Define a message function on nodes and edges: \(f\).

  • Choose an aggegration function e.g. sum, mean etc.

  • Define a graph and choose graph layer.

  • Apply message to edges with propagate(f, Graph, aggr)

State update and objective.

  • Early GNNs (1980s) applied update rule to latents until convergence.

  • Modern GNNs do it a fixed time e.g. 5 or 20.

  • Latent states are used to feed another layer, or train an objective: regression or classification.

Node classification / regression: \[p(h_i) \in \text{Category Set} / \mathbb{R}^n\]

Graph classifcation / regression: \[p(G) \in \text{Category Set} / \mathbb{R}^n\]

Link Prediction: \[p(i,j) = e_{ij}\]

Loss Functions

  • These are normally trained on a classifier (dense) network on the latents.

  • The loss functions for GNNs must be permutation invariant.

  • Loss is chosen to be objective appropriate e.g. MSE.

Batching and Padding

  • A set of graphs might have variable numbers of nodes.

  • A solution is to appropriately pad adjanceny matrix with zeros.

  • A block matrix has matrices embedded in a matrix: Wb = [W1 W2; W3 W4].

  • A block diagonal matrix with W2=W3=0 will preserve the structure of W1 and W2.


  • Batch all graphs into a single graph.

  • Use a data loader object to perform stochastic gradient descent.

data = [graph1, graph2, ...]
batchedgraph = Flux.batch(data)
loader = DataLoader(batchedgraph; batchsize=5, shuffle=true)

ConvNets: A familiar smell

  • We have already covered a form of GNNs: the conv net.

  • The data structure is a grid topology: the edges are bidirectional in neighbouring pixels.

  • The message passing happens through the convolutional filters.

Recurrent Nets: A familiar smell.

  • Another form of GNNs covered is the RNN.

  • Line graph: each node has two edges for the data before and after i.e. a sequence.

  • Message passing happens through the internal and input states.

Generalised Neural Networks

  • All of our current neural network topologies can be expressed as GNNs

  • Formally: all networks can be generated by considering the symmetries and actions of a graph.

  • It’s still often better to use optimised pipelines

An eye on the future

  • The generalisation of neural networks is a recent field: Geometric Deep Learning.

  • It has generated a lot of interest recently.

  • Looks poised to be well suited to biological data.

  • All neural networks are generated by considering underlying symetries of a graph e.g. Translational Invariance => CNN.

  • Package: GeometricFlux.jl

Halicin: a Halo Example

  • Chemicals have a natural graph structure: represented by bonds.

  • Train on a known set of working drugs.

  • Regression on space of potential drug molecules to perform drug screening/discovery.


  • Graphs are generalised forms of natural data: molecules, brains etc.

  • Graphs are defined by their adjacency matrix.

  • GNNs are graphs with features defined from data.

  • A GNN computes several passes of a message through the graph. The latents perform some learning task.


A Deep Learning Approach to Antibiotic Discovery; Stokes et. al. (2020)

Geometric Deep Learning; Bronstein et. al. (2021)