
A Julia approach to Machine Learning

Nicholas Gale and Stephen Eglen

Building Neural Networks

  • Time consuming.

  • Full of boilerplate.

  • Often inefficient.

  • These imply packages are useful!


  • Flux is a Julia package.

  • It is hackable, extensible, and provides nice syntatic sugar.

  • Relies on Zygote which is an automatic differentitation package.

Lecture Outcomes

  • Revisit primary concepts: automatic differentation, optimisation, loss functions.

  • Grammar of Flux.

  • Basic Flux Usage.

  • Constructing Neural Networks.

Loss Functions

  • Loss functions allow objective of the network to be found.

  • Constructed to measure difference between regressors and data.

  • Common loss functions are mse, logitcrossentropy, binarycrossentropy, etc.


  • A loss function may be optimised in any way.

  • The random sampling method is as efficient as any for finding global minima.

  • Finding local minima (or just reducing loss) is most often done through gradient descent.


  • Backbone of machine learning.

  • Newtons method or gradient descent is an optimisation method.

  • Can be computed symbolically, numerically, or automatically: \[ \frac{df}{dx} = \lim_{h\rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x+h) - f(x)}{h} \]

Automatic Differentitation

  • Define a dual number as: \(d(x) = (x, \epsilon)\)

  • By Taylor series the derivative is given by \(\epsilon\).

  • Julia: operator overload all the usual functions to handle dual numbers.

  • Differentitation is now arbitrary precision and cheaper to compute.

Chain Rule and Backpropagation

  • Backpropagation is the machine learning algorithm.

  • Errors are back-propagated through layers of network.

  • Under the hood: chain rule. \[\frac{\partial F}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial f_2}\frac{\partial f_2}{\partial f_3}\ldots\frac{\partial f_n}{\partial x}\]


  • There are many automatic differentation packages in Julia: Flux uses Zygote.

  • The API call is gradient and is used in two ways: functions and do blocks.

  • Each method needs to specify the parameters which will be differentiated through Flux.params conversion.

Zygote Example

using Flux
f(x) = sum(tanh.(W * x))
W = rand(2,2)
x = rand(2,1)

# a single instance
dfdw = gradient(()->f(x), Flux.params(W))

# as a do block

g = gradient(Flux.params(W)) do
  • Do blocks are particularly useful for defining callback functions to monitor progress.

Gradient Descent and Momentum

  • Gradient descent is defined as: \[W_{t+1} = W_t - \eta \frac{\partial L}{\partial W} \]

  • Gradient descent may be accelerated by momentum.

  • Flux has support for multiple optimisers through an optimiser object class: opt(lr, hyperparams)

  • Descent(lr), Momentum(lr, alp), ADAM()

Gradient Descent Comparison

Stochastic Gradient Descent

  • Gradients can be approximated by a subset of data.

  • Stochastic Gradient Descent is when these subsets are chosen randomly.

  • Helps avoid local minima and alleviates computer memory constraints.

Activation Functions

  • The activation function mimics the firing rate of a neuron.

  • It provides a non-linearity to allow for complex learning manifolds.

  • Flux supports all the common functions: tanh, relu, σ, etc.

Flux layers

  • Neural networks are composed as layers of weights.

  • Flux offers default layers which can be found in the documentation: Dense, Conv, MaxPool, RNNCell etc.

  • We can also define our own custom layers by a structure.

  • Zygote differentates through structure fields

Custom Flux Layer Example

struct CustomDense
    function CustomDense(dimsin::Int, dimsout::Int)
        W = rand(dimsout, dimsin)
        b = rand(dimsout)
# overload object definition
(obj::CustomDense)(x) = obj.W * x .+ obj.b
dense = CustomDense(5,2)
2-element Vector{Float64}:


  • The dense layer represents the all-to-all connections.

  • API is Dense(dimsin => dimsout).

  • Optional keywords are bias=true/false, and activation.


  • The convolutional layer is specified with Conv((kerneldim1, kerneldim), featuresin=>featuresout)

  • It accepts keywords stride=(s1,s2), pad=(p1, p2), dilation=(d1,d2), bias, activation.

  • The layer accepts a 4D tensor: x dimension, y dimension, feature dimension, and data-index.

Flatten, Dropout, Pooling

  • flatten layers take an input and flatten it to a vector.

  • Dropout layers freeze a fraction of parameters in learning.

  • BatchNorm normalises mean/variance.

  • AlphaDropout layers freeze parameters and normalise mean and variance.

  • There are extensive pooling layers e.g. MaxPool most common.

Chain: Composing a model

  • Composing a model is simply a chain of layers.

  • Flux allows this to be intutively done with chain: model(x) = Chain(Dense(10=>3), Dense(3=>5))

  • A generically complex model can be given by a function f.

  • Flux can be told this complex function is a model with @functor f.

Data and Batching

  • Data is thought of “naturally” in Flux.

  • It operates on a single point, or a vector of points.

  • A convenience function DataLoader is provided.

  • It zips data pairs and can optionally shuffle with a given batch size.

xvec = rand(40,100); yvec = rand(100);
data = Flux.DataLoader((xvec, yvec); batchsize=5, shuffle=true)
for (x, y) in data
    # loop 20 times through batches of 5

Loss Functions

  • Loss functions are defined on individual data pairs.

  • Flux then aggregates them along a batch along the last dimension.

  • Loss aggregration is by default the average: can be specified with keyword agg.

  • There are many default loss functions: mse, logitcrossentropy, HuberLoss etc.

Updating parameters

  • We have a model, data, optimisers, and loss functions and can now update parameters.

  • update! takes an optimiser, gradient values, and updates specified parameters.

  • update!(opt, Flux.params(w...), grad)

  • This can be applied through a loop over the data where the gradient is repeatedly computed.


  • An even easier API to work with is train!.

  • It accepts a loss function, parameters, a data generator, and optimiser.

  • train!(loss, Flux.params(w...), data, opt)


  • A callback function provides a printout under certain conditions.

  • They are passed as optional keywords to train e.g. train!(...; cb = ()->println("This calls back"))

  • By default they print every epoch but can be slowed down with cb = throttle(some_func, epoch_interval)

  • Can be used with Flux.stop() to abort training if a condition is met e.g. accuracy goal, timing limit etc.

GPU support

  • A model can be piped into a GPU/CPU device with the gpu and cpu APIs

  • For a GPU based model the data should be converted to CUDA arrays. Only CUDA is supported.

using CUDA
model(x) = Chain(Dense(5=>3), Dense(3=>1)) |> gpu
inp = CUDA.rand(5)

Model Saving

  • To save a model we need the BSON package.

  • A model is saved with @save "dir" model_obj

  • A model is loaded with @load "dir" model_obj

  • It is recommended to pipe models to a CPU device before saving.


  • Within a training loop you can be expressive.

  • Common to plot loss functions on training and validation sets.

  • Common to plot a data-visualisation (particularly for generative models)

  • Can have an indication of training time: elapsed and estimated finish.

Training a CNN

using Flux, JLD2
data = JLD2.load("./data/sharks/sharkdata.jld")
training_data, training_labels = [data["train_data"], data["train_labels"]]

model = Chain(
Flux.Conv((3,3), 3=>10, relu),
Flux.Conv((5,5), 10 => 5, relu), 
Flux.Conv((10,10), 5 => 7, relu), 
Dense(112, length(unique(training_labels)), σ))
  Conv((3, 3), 3 => 10, relu),          # 280 parameters
  MaxPool((2, 2)),
  Conv((5, 5), 10 => 5, relu),          # 1_255 parameters
  MaxPool((2, 2)),
  Conv((10, 10), 5 => 7, relu),         # 3_507 parameters
  Dense(112 => 3, σ),                   # 339 parameters
)                   # Total: 8 arrays, 5_381 parameters, 22.449 KiB.

@time for e in 1:100 # epochs
    d = Flux.DataLoader((training_data, Flux.onehotbatch(training_labels, unique(training_labels))), shuffle=true, batchsize=5)
    Flux.train!((x,y) -> Flux.logitcrossentropy(Flux.softmax(model(x)),y), Flux.params(model), d, ADAM())

predictions = map(i -> argmax(model(data["test_data"])[:,i]), 1:size(model(data["test_data"]))[2])
labels = ["thresher", "nurse", "basking"]
pred_labels = [labels[predictions[i]] for i in 1:length(predictions)]
@show acc = sum(pred_labels .== data["test_labels"])/length(pred_labels);
 30.337100 seconds (39.47 M allocations: 10.089 GiB, 7.34% gc time, 56.53% compilation time)
acc = sum(pred_labels .== data["test_labels"]) / length(pred_labels) = 0.8


  • Machine learning is sophisticated methods of optimising an objective/loss function.

  • Flux allows us to abstract the boiler-plate of machine learning code.

  • It is fast, flexible, and allows us to define models simply with a chain and layer structure.

  • Can focus on the conceptual difficulties, rather than the technical challenges.