graphpype.pipe module
A collection of graph specific functions. These include graph construction from neuroimaging data, graph expression e.g. graph composites from Tensorflow, graph generation e.g. null-models and spin-models, and graph analysis tools. There are native implementations for niche functions and API calls for more established functions e.g. NetworkX and Tensforflow.
- graphpype.graph.anatNifti(data, atlas='msdl', atlasDir='./data/atlases', standardize='zscore_sample', standardize_confounds='zscore_sample', memory='nilearn_cache', verbose='0', confounds=False)
A simple API wrapper for the nilearn function for constructing a covariance matrix according to an atlas from Nifti data formats.
- graphpype.graph.atlasDist(atlas='msdl', atlasDir='./data/atlases')
- graphpype.graph.atlasLabels(atlas='msdl', atlasDir='./data/atlases')
- graphpype.graph.constructCovarianceAverageGraph(*covariances, density=0.1, seed=0)
Constructs the average graph over a dataset of covariances using a minimum span density method.
- Parameters:
- covarianceslist
List of covariance matrices.
- densityfloat
Target edge density.
- seedint
Seed used for randomisation in the construction method.
This allows for individual registration and covariance determination before global averaging.
- graphpype.graph.constructMinSpanDensity(covariance, density=0.1, seed=0)
Construct a graph from a covariance matrix using the minimum span density method.
- Parameters:
- covariancenumpy.ndarray
A covariance matrix between nodal sites.
- densityfloat
The edge density targeted in the graph.
- seedfloat
Random seed used for sampling.
- Returns:
- graphnetworkx.digraph
A covariance matrix (M) is used as a fully connected graph from which a minimal spanning tree (S) is constructed. The number of edges (N) in this spanning tree is calculated and the covariances asscociated with the nodes in the tree are set to zero. Finally, the difference (D) between the required density of edges (Nr) and the number of edges is calculated and D samples without replacement are taken using the remaining covariances as weights. These samples are added as edges into S to construct the final graph G.
- graphpype.graph.constructedDensityPermutationGraph(covariances, density=0.1, nPermutations=1000, seed=0)
Construct a distrbution of graphs with a specified target density.
- Parameters:
- covariancesnumpy.ndarray
A matrix of covariances
- densityfloat
Target edge density
- nPermutations: int
Number of graphs in the distributions.
- seedint
The randomisation seed used in graph constructions
- Returns:
- distributionlist
A vector of randomly sampled graphs to a target edge density
- graphpype.graph.covAtlasPermute(data, atlases)
Generate the covariance matrix for an fMRI scan based on a permuted set of atlasObjects.
- Parameters:
- data
fMRI data object
- atlaslist
List of atlas objects
- Returns:
- covarianceslist
A list of covariance matrixes between the locations of the specified atlas.
- graphpype.graph.covNifti(data, atlas='msdl', atlasDir='./data/derivatives/atlases/', standardize='zscore_sample', standardize_confounds='zscore_sample', memory='nilearn_cache', verbose=0, memory_level=1, confounds=False)
Generate the covariance matrix for an fMRI scan.
- Parameters:
- data
fMRI data object
- atlasstring
Atlas used for registration. The default is ‘msdl’.
- atlasDirstring, optional
Location for caching the atlas.
- standardizestring, optional
Standarisation method for data.
- standarsize_confoundsstring, optional
Standardisation method for confounds
- memorystring, optional
Cache location
- verbose: string, optional
Verbosity level, defaults to “0”.
- confounds: bool, optional
Default false.
- Returns:
- covariancenumpy.ndarray
A covariance matrix between the locations of the atlas.
- graphpype.graph.degreeCDF(G)
Calculate the degree distribution as an empirical CDF.
- Parameters:
- Gnetworkx.digraph
- Returns:
- uniqueDegslist
A list of degree sizes
- cdfnumpy.ndarray
A numpy array of the cummulative distribution function
- lodcdfnumpy.nndarray
A numpy array of the cummulative logged cdf values.
- ecdf
A model of the emperical distribution provided by statsmodels
- degslist
A list of the degrees in the graph
Returns a list of degree size and cummlative logged or unlogged CDF values (default: logProb = true). Finally, a model of the ecdf is returned from statsmodels.
- graphpype.graph.degreeHistogram(G, nBins=1)
Calculate the degree histogram according to a particular number of bins (default: 1).
- Parameters:
- Gnetworkx.digraph
The graph to be analysed
- nBinsint
The binning number
- Returns:
- histogramnumpy.histogram
- graphpype.graph.euclideanDistanceMatrix(data)
Returns a distance matrix based on a particular parcellation.
- Parameters:
- datalist
Parcelation data.
- Returns
- ——-
- distancenumpy.ndarray
Distance matrix
Expects the coordinates to be a vector of coordinates.
- graphpype.graph.featureDegreeDistribution(G, feature)
Collates mean and standard deviation over features with the same degree.
- Parameters:
- Gnetworkx.digraph
Graph defining the unique degree distribution.
- featurenumpy.ndarray
Feature vector asscociated with the particular nodes e.g. cortical thickness.
- Returns:
- uniqueDegreeslist
A list of the unique degrees in the graph
- featureDatalist
A list of the feature data organised by degree
- featureMeanfloat
- featureStandardDeviationfloat
- graphpype.graph.graphComposite(d, features)
Takes a graph and a series of features to compose a graph composite.
- Parameters:
- features
Features to be incorporated into the graph schema.
- Returns:
- nodesetdict
Dictionary with the graph schema node specification.
- edgesetdict
Dictionary with the graph schema edge specifciation.
- contextdict
Dictionary specifying the tensorflow context.
The graph composite is ideal for constructing tensorflowGNN graphs and for specifying regression/classification taasks on multiple graph data. This could include multiple graphs each with multiple features on both edges and nodes.
- graphpype.graph.graphSchemaFromComposites(graphComposites)
Convert the graph composites into a graph schema that can be read by TensorFlow.
- graphpype.graph.greedyModules(G)
A simple wrapper for a greedy community detection algorithm using modularity maximisation.
- Parameters:
- Gnetworkx.diggraph
The graph to be analysed.
- Returns:
- communitieslist
A list of communites given by modularity maximisation
- graphpype.graph.louvainCommunities(G, seed: int, gpu=False)
A simple wrapper for the default parameters of the NetworkX implementation of the Louvain Clustering algorithm.
- Parameters:
- Gnetworkx.digraph
The graph to be analysed.
- seed: int
Random seed specified by the recipe.
- gpu: bool
Flag for GPU acceleration. Only supports CUDA frameworks currently. (not yet mainlined)
- Returns:
- communitieslist
A list of the communities given by the Louvain clustering algorithm
The graph is weighted by the adjacency matrix and the seed must by specified according to the recipe.
- graphpype.graph.randomCommunityStochasticBlock(g, communities, density=0.1, nGraphs=1000, seed=0)
Construct a distribution of graphs with similar community structure as target graph.
- Parameters:
- gnetworkx.digraph
Target graph.
- communitieslist
List of communities found by a comunnity detection algorithm.
- densityfloat
Target density in the Stochastic Block Model.
- nGraphsInt
Number of graphs to be sampled from the distribution.
- seedInt
Random seed used for graph generation. Seeds for community detection and stochastic block model are based on independent increments of this seed.
- Returns:
- communitieslist
A list of communities found in the Stochastic Block Model sample.
Given a graph G with an already computed community structure use the stochastic block model to create random distribution of graphs with similar community structure. The probabilities are nominally given as a representative edge denisty of the constructed network
- graphpype.graph.randomSpin(*data, atlas='msdl', atlasDir='./data/derivatives/atlases/', nPermutations=1000, seed=0)
- Parameters:
- atlasstring
The base atlas used to generate the distribution.
- atlasDirstring
The atlas storage directory.
- nPermutationsint
Number of samples to generate.
- seedInt
Random seed used in generation.
- Returns:
- distributionlist
A vector of permuted atlases
A native implementation of the method proposed by Alexander-Block et. al. (2018) to control for spatial autocorrelation. Given data that is spatially distributed with a notion of spherical symmetry and an atlas of distance coordinates a spherical rotation is applied to the 3D space of the data and the atlas region associated with each datum is remapped to the closest (as the crow flies) atlas region. The data is typically in the form of feature (or biomarker) and can be a 3D or 4D tensor corrospending to some (registered) measurement. Currently, an atlas must be provided and it is rotated to give a new rotated atlas.
Usage notes: Spinning a set of coordinates and aligning them to an atlas is equivalent to reverse-spinning the atlas. The latter is more space efficient does not compound errors (outside of those in the original atlas mapping). A diveregence from the original implementation is the generation of random numbers; the original paper stated rotations on the sphere were uniformly distributed but the Git repository indicated sampling from a normal distribution and enforcing orthoganality via QR decomposition. This is a costly procedure. Here we will sample each angle from the distribution U([0,1]) and transform to the correct range for appropriate Euler angles.
To do: offer acceleration through CUDA
- graphpype.graph.wiringCost(adj, dist)
Computes the standard wiring cost of a network defined by an adjancency matric and with a defined distance metric between the nodes.
\[W = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{ij} A_{ij} D_{ij}\]- Parameters:
- adjnumpy.ndarray
A square adjacency matrix.
- distnumpy.ndarray
A square distance matrix defining the distance between each node.
- Returns:
- costfloat
Wiring cost under the induced distance topology.
graphpype.pipe module
A collection of functions and object classes to construct recipes and run analysis pipelines.
- The major conceptual classes exported are:
Datum - graphpypes internal expression of data containing metadata fields, preprocessing, and post-processing analysis of raw data.
Dataset - graphpypes internal represtation of datasets comprising of a list of data objects and analysis. Is composable with itself.
Operator - graphpypes internal representation of functions that operator on data and datasets. Contains metadata to aid with reproducibility and portability.
Recipe - an object to specify how operators should interact with data.
Pipeline - an object to construct and analyse data through a structured pipeline defined by the recipe.
- class graphpype.pipe.DataSet(name='', dataObjs=[])
A composition of data with type Datum. Contains dataset level analysis and processing.
- Attributes:
- name: str
A name for the dataset (default: “”)
- data: list
The processed data.
- analysis: dict
Group level analysis of processed data.
(directory, channel, loader)Call self as a function.
- analysis: dict
- data: list
- name: str
- class graphpype.pipe.Datum(*directories)
An object that completely specifies a particular element of the dataset with potentially multiple imaging modalities.
- Attributes:
- dirs: list
- List of the directories used for the specimen/subject in the analysis.
- preProcess: dict
- Dictionary storing the preprocessed data from a particular pipeline such as prepfmri e.g. Dict[“Connectivity”] = matrix
- postProcess: dict
- Dictionary storing the processed data from a particular operator e.g. Dict[“Connectivity”] = matrix
(directory)Call self as a function.
- addChannel(channel, data)
- dirs: list
- postProcess: dict
- preProcess: dict
- class graphpype.pipe.Operator(name: str, description: str, function: dict, channels: dict, args: dict, inter={})
A processing operator that operates on a discrete chunk of data which either is broadcastover/reduces a data set. The result is stored in the DataType object in a channel indexed as a dictionary and specified by this operator.
The default is to apply the operator to the function channel as is but occasionally you might want to broadcast over a list of elements in the channel e.g. doing a spin correction. To specify the function: - function = {“name”: name of the function, “package”: e.g numpy.random, “version”: blank if installed package / directory of user defined function} - channels ={{“dataIndex”: {“Layer”: [“Channel1”, “Channel2”, etc]}, {“Layer2”: [“Channel0”]}}, {“resultIndex”: {“Layer”: [“SingleChannel”]}}} - args = {“unnamed” = [], “alpha”: 0, “beta”: 1} - inter = {}, {“broadcast”: True}
- Attributes:
- opName: str
A local understandable name.
- description: str
A description of what the operator does.
- name: str
Name of the function.
- basePackage: str
The package name.
- packageDir: str
- version: str
Give the version number for the locally installed package. If the function is self defined then provide the relative directory.
- args: dict
The args required to run the operator. Unnamed arguments should be assigned to the dictionary entry unnamed.
- internal: dict
A dictionary of internal operating requirements e.g. broadcast, reduce. Broadcast and reduce will always be applied to the first index of the data channels.
- channelsIn: list
The shape of the container of the incoming data. The first entry specifies the layer on which the operator should function.
- channelOut: list
The shape of the container of the returned data.
- json: list
A JSON object storing the object.
(data[, ret])The operator can be used to operate on a datum by specifying the data layers and channels.
- class graphpype.pipe.Pipeline(recipeDir, bids={})
Pipeline object: takes a recipe and executes it over a series of datapaths.
- Attributes:
- recipegraphpype.pipe.recipe
The recipe for the pipeline to execute.
- pathslist
The BIDS paths for data.
- resultgraphpype.pipe.dataset
A dataset containing the post-analysis, individual dataset analyses, post-processing of each datum, and preprocessing routines.
()Generate the output of the analysis.
(outputDir)Generate plot files for the plotting objects defined in the analysis.
([dataSetNames, preProcess])Process a pipeline over a series of datasets.
- output()
Generate the output of the analysis.
- paths: list
- plot(outputDir)
Generate plot files for the plotting objects defined in the analysis.
- process(dataSetNames=[], preProcess=True)
Process a pipeline over a series of datasets.
- Parameters:
- dataSetNameslist
A list of strings defining the datasets to process.
- preProcessbool, optional
Optional, but recommended, preprocessing.
- recipe: any
- result: any
- class graphpype.pipe.Recipe(name: str = '', description: str = '', nodes: dict = {}, env: dict = {'nThreads': 1, 'seed': 1}, template='')
Pipeline Recipe: a directed line graph of functions/constants that operate on a subset of data for analysis, output, and plotting.
The recipe informs the operations that must be sequentially applied to data and subsequent output manipulations. Recipes can be composed by concatentation.
- Attributes:
- name: str
Recipe identifier
- description: str
Summary of the pipeline flow i.e. brief description of what the recipe cooks.
- nodes: dict
Functions that the analysis will operate with. The entries are: “preProcess”, “postProcess”, “analysis”, “postAnalysis”, and “output”. Analysis refers to functions that are applied to a specific data set, while postAnalysis refers to functions that are applied to multiple datasets. Plotting, or output functions such as reports and caching go in the “output” layer.
- env: dict
Any enviroment variables including number of threads, randomisation seed, etc.
(inputDir)Read a recipe in .json format from disk and construct recipe object.
(bids[, author, outputDir])Generate a report card summarising the recipe.
(outputDir)Write the recipe to disk in .json format for use in pipelines.
- description: str
- env: dict
- name: str
- nodes: dict
- read(inputDir)
Read a recipe in .json format from disk and construct recipe object.
- Parameters:
- inputDirstr
The path to a recipe.
- report(bids, author='', outputDir='data/derivatives')
Generate a report card summarising the recipe.
- write(outputDir)
Write the recipe to disk in .json format for use in pipelines.
- Parameters:
- outputDirstr
The path to write the recipe to.
- Returns:
- None
graphpype.stats module
A collection of statistical functions that are useful to neuroimaging analysis. There are native implementations of less common functions such as modularOverlap, and API calls for more established protocols to packages such as statsmodels.
- graphpype.stats.compareDist(dist1, dist2, test='Kolmogorov-Smirnov')
Assesses the degree to which two empirical distributions are statistically different.
- Parameters:
- dist1distribution
A representation of a distribution i.e. a list of floats, numpy array, or a statsmodels distribution
- dist2distribution
- teststring
The test specification.
- Returns:
- testfloat
Test result
There are some common ways of doing this: assuming the degree distribution takes a specific functional form, or the general Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Support is provided for degree distributions assumed to be in the power-law form or the Kolmogorov-Smirnov through the test keyword (default test=’Kolmogorov-Smirnov’)
- graphpype.stats.compareGroupDegreeMeans(*data, correction='FDR', threshold=0.05)
Returns the corrected p-values for a pairwise t-test between a list of data for each degree in a groupwise graph.
- Parameters:
- datalist
A list of processed data with associated channels along the degree of the graph.
- correctionstring
The multiple hypothesis test correction.
- thresholdfloat
The threshold value for the multiple hypothesis test.
- Returns:
- pvalsdict
A dictionary for the corrected p-values for each of the provided channels
- graphpype.stats.covarianceMatrix(*data, normalise=True)
Generates the covariance matrix from a given parcellation size on a particular dataset.
- Parameters:
- datanumpy.ndarray
Data with dimensions (N,L) for single estimate data, or (N,L,T) for time series data.
- normalisebool
Option to normalise the data; default = true.
- Returns:
- covariancenumpy.ndarray
Covariance matrix
Returns the covariance matrix (size: L x L) of a data distributed amongst a particular parcellation (size: L) for a particular dataset (size: N). The default behavior is to normalise by standard deviations returning the regular Pearsons correlation coefficient.
- graphpype.stats.estimateDistancePermutation(graph, distanceDist)
Estimate the distribution of distances between edges of a target graph.
- Parameters:
- graphnetworkx.digraph
Target graph
- distanceDistlist
Distribution of distances between registered nodes.
- Returns:
- distributionlist
The distance distribution.
- avfloat
Estimated mean distance.
- errfloat
Standard error of the mean distance.
- graphpype.stats.generalLinearModel(*data, sets=[], covariateChannels=[], regressorChannels=[], link=None, flatten=True)
Fits a general linear model to the data on given covariate and regressor channels in the data.
- Parameters:
- datagraphpype.pipe.dataset
The data to be regressed on.
- setslist
The dataset names or indexes to regress on; an empty list implies regression on a single dataset.
- covariateChannelslist
The data channels asscociated with the covariates.
- regressorChannelslist
The data channels asscociated with the regressors.
- link
The link function.
- flattenbool
Flatten data into a single vector if no sets are provided.
- Returns:
- fitdict
Dictionary indexed on the dataset string/index containing the covariate/regressor fit between those datasets.
fit[x][y][“model”] is the fit asscociated between the covariates on dataset x and the regressors on dataset y.
- graphpype.stats.graphNeuralNetwork(data, graphComposites={}, network={}, learningTask={})
Generalised graph neural networks API call to abstract arbitrary graph data formats and train them following the tfgnn GraphTensor structure.
- Parameters:
- datagraphpype.pipe.dataset
The complete dataset to be trained on.
- graphCompositeslist
The graph graph composites specifing training channels and edge features.
- networkdict
The neural network architecture.
- learningTaskdict
The hyperpameters that define how the model is to be trained: optimiser, epochs, validation, batchsize, loss/task.
- Returns:
- trained
Trained Tensorflow network.
The data is treated as a dataset and a dictionary of “graphs” are passed per subject and the node and edge sets in the GraphTensor. Each graph is attached to a keyword e.g. “fmri” or “adjacency” and each of these can hold feature lists for every graph in the data in both the edges and the nodes. Currently, these graphs are considered to be independent i.e. there are assumed to be no edges between each keyword although in principle there is nothing stopping links between, for example, gene regulatory networks and fmri images. The data is specified as a total dataset at either the analysis or dataset level. Graph composites are in the form of a dictionary and specify the channel of the graph, the channels where the node features are derived, and the channels where the edge features are derived. These are used to derive the subgraphs and features extracted from each datum in the dataset to combine into the final graphTensor representing the entire dataset.
- graphpype.stats.loadFeature(*data)
- graphpype.stats.modularOverlap(modules1, modules2)
Computes the modular overlap between two graphs given their modular membership.
- Parameters:
- modules1list
The modular membership classes of graph one.
- modules2list
The modular membership classes of graph two.
- Returns:
- overlapfloat
The number of shared pairs in the modules normalised by the total number of possible pairs.
Given a vector of module membership of nodes compute the modular overlap and return a z-transformed score. To compute the modular overlap compute the fraction of pairs of nodes that share a module in both groups i.e. a binary vector. Note: this is not a symetric relationship between partitions as the vectors will have different lengths based on which is chosen first.
- graphpype.stats.modularZTest(*modules)
Compute the z-scores of each graph in the dataset with respect to the distributions defined by the modular overlap with a null distribution.
- Parameters:
- moduleslist
A vector of graph modules and corresponding modules of graphs sampled from null-models induced by the graphs. Each element of the list stores the graph modules in its first index and the null-model modules in its second index.
- Returns:
- zstatsnumpy.ndarray
A matrix of z-transformed modular overlap comparison between a list of graphs.
Each graph ..math::G_i of has a set of modules ..math::{M_k}_k^_N that can be measured against a null-model sample to define a pseudo-distribution. The modular overlap can be computed against another graph ..math::G_j and this modular overlap can be compared against the distribution of modular overlaps defined by the null model to compute a z-score. Each graph can be compared in this manner to generate a matrix of z-transformed modular overlaps.
- graphpype.stats.multipleTTest(*data, threshold=0.025, correction='FDR')
Perform a standard multiple t-test comparison with correction.
- Parameters:
- datalist
The data to be examined.
- correctionstring
The multiple hypothesis testing correction procedure.
- thresholdfloat
The statistical signficance threshold.
- Returns:
- resultsdict
Dictionary of names or numerical identity of the data with each entry being a dictionary summarising the test with keys: pvals, signficance, and idxs. Idxs indicates the the degree.
- graphpype.stats.pairgroupModularZTest(*modules, correction='FDR', threshold=0.025)
Return the corrected statistically significant paired difference modular overlap.
Each graph in each dataset induces a null-model which can be used for z-statistics. The differences between graphs z-scores in each dataset can be compared against the differences in the null-models z-scores and corrected for multiple hypothesis testing.
- Parameters:
- moduleslist
List of modules in a graph and the modules and a sample from the null-model induced by the graph. The graph modules are in the first index of each element and the distribution the seond.
- correctionstring
The multiple hypothesis testing correction procedure. Defaults to “FDR”
- thresholdfloat
The threshold for significance for the multiple hypothesis test
- Returns:
- pvalsnumpy.ndarray
A matrix of the corrected p-values for each graphical element being compared.
Compute the modular overlap of each of the measured populations and each paired sample from the null model. The z-test then computes Z values for each paired difference of the modular overlap of each pair of groupings when compared against the paired difference of distributions in each pair of groupings. These p-values are corrected (default: FDR) and returned as a matrix of pairs of the paired groupings and the signficance values are reported.
graphpype.utils module
Utility Functions
A collection of utility functions that allow graphpype to operate but are not specific to neuroimaging or graphpype.
- graphpype.utils.distanceMat(data)
Construct a distance matrix from a list of coordinates.
The data can be two or three dimensional.
- Parameters:
- datalist
A list of geometric coordinates.
- Returns:
- matnumpy.ndarray
A square matrix in the form of a numpy array.
The distance metric used is the euclidean metric.
- graphpype.utils.fetchAtlas(atlas='msdl', atlasDir='./data/derivatives/atlases/')
Grabs an atlas using the NiLearn API.
The default atlas used is the ‘msdl’ atlas but this can be specified to work with any atlas available in the NiLearn database. The atlases are placed in the data/atlases/ subdirectory of the BIDS directory.
- Parameters:
- atlasstring
Default is ‘msdl’ but can be any in the NiLean database e.g. ‘cort-maxprob-thr25-2mm’ for the Harvard-Oxford atlas.
- atlasDir: string
Defaults to data/atlases in the BIDSs directory. This is BIDS compliant but can be changed.
- Returns:
- atlasObjobject
The atlas objects contains the maps in the maps key and the labels in the labels key.
See also
Spin distributions use atlas data to remove spatial autocorrelation from fmri signals.
- graphpype.utils.fmriprep(directory, fmriprep=[], participant=[], cache=True, stringAdd='')
An API call to the fmriprep preprocessing package.
All fMRI and structural data should be preprocessed before it can be converted into a graph datum object. The fmriprep API is a popular, but not unique method, of doing this. See also: freesurfer and nipype APIs. The fmriprep API call is constructed with a number of flags and a processed over a number of participant paths.
- Parameters:
- directorystring
The root BIDS data directory. All processed data will be placed in the ‘derivatives’ subfolder to remain BIDS compliant.
- fmripreplist
A list of strings for the flags used in the fmriprep pipeline.
- participant: list
A list of indexes/strings to flag the subjects to process. An index will be interpreted as the unix indexed subject while a string will match the subject path e.g. 0400. An empty list defaults to selecting all available participants.
- cache: bool
If true the preprocessed result is cached allowing the pipeline to be interupted.
- Returns:
- None
- graphpype.utils.generateFlowchart(recipe, colorMap={'analysis': 'dodgerblue', 'postAnalysis': 'firebrick', 'postProcess': 'darkcyan', 'preProcess': 'gold'})
Generate a flow chart of a given recipe.
- Parameters:
- recipegraphpype.pipe.Recipe
- Returns:
- flowchartmatplotlib.pyplot.plot
- graphpype.utils.generateTemplate(name='generic', exampleFile='')
Autogenerate a template recipe to work from.
The recipe will automatically be written and there are several basic templates provided in the package. The template can be dynamically edited in Python using the package tools or the generated .json file can be edited by a text editor.
- Parameters:
- namestring
Defaults to generic.
- Returns:
- recipegraphpype.pipe.recipe
A recipe object used to construct an analysis pipeline.
See also
The live method of saving a recipe template.
Editing in a live Python session should be saved with a call to the pipe.write function
- graphpype.utils.loadAnalysisChannel(*totalDataset, dataDirectory='', channel='', dataType='csv')
Loads saved data into a data channel at the analysis level.
Currently supports numpy tensor loading via CSV and npy file types.
- Parameters:
- totalDatasetgraphpype.pipe.DataSet
A vector containing the datasets which the dataset will be loaded to. Typically length one, at the post-analysis level.
- dataDirectorystring
Path to the data.
- channelstring
Channel which the data should be asscociated with in the analysis.
- dataTypestring
How the data is saved.
- Returns:
- None
Data is modified inplace.
The loading of numpy tensors is supported through ‘npy’ and ‘csv’ strings in the
variable. If no datatype is specified python will attempt to open the file but no further support will be given on how to read the file and this should be processed in a function downstream.
- graphpype.utils.loadObject(directory)
A simple loading function for pickled objects.
- Parameters:
- directorystring
The path of the saved object.
- Returns:
- objobject
- graphpype.utils.loadParcellation(*totalDataset, dataDirectory='', listFilterDirectory='', channel='', nameFilter=False)
Load a pre-parcellated dataset which may be filtered into multiple datasets.
- Parameters:
- totalDatasetlist
The analysis dataset of the pipeline.
- dataDirectorystring
The location of the processed data.
- listFilterDirectorystring
The location of the dataset names to filter by. If empty or “” then sorting occurs numerically on the first index of data.
- channelstring
The channel key which the processed data will be assigned to e.g. “corticalThick”
- nameFilterbool
When true the processed data will be sorted into the datasets in the pipeline with matching names. Otherwise, sorting occurs by numerical index.
- Returns:
- None
Dataset objects are modified inplace.
Data is often processed via a particular parcellation and recorded as part of a named subgroup and combined into a single file. This function allows these files to be processed into multiple datasets with graph features determined by the processed parcellation e.g. cortical thickness at a particular node. It is most useful when not working directly with imaging data. It is an analysis level data loader that acts in the preprocessing stage of the pipeline bypassing the datum processing level. Data is expected to come in the form of a matrix of floats at dataDirectory, a (possibly empty) list of strings at listFilterDirectory, and a pipeline dataset.
- graphpype.utils.plots(*data, plotsDir)
Takes a plotting script and converts it into an operator.
- graphpype.utils.saveObject(obj, directory)
A simple saving utility function for python objects using pickle.
- Parameters:
- objobject
Object to be pickled/saved.
- directorystring
Path for pickled object to be saved.
- Raises:
- Warning
Alert the user to non-BIDS compliance.
For BIDS compliance it is recommended that the data be saved in the derivatives subfolder ‘derivatives/graphpype/objects’.
- graphpype.utils.vectorSlice(tensor, index, axis)
Take an indexed axis slice out of a tensor and reshape into a single vector.
- Parameters:
- tensornumpy.ndarray
- indextuple
The indexes through which the slices of the tensor should be taken.
- axisint
The dimension along which to slice.
- Returns:
- numpy.ndarray